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The Dos and Don'ts of Direct Outreach

You’ve realized that it takes effort to grow your fanbase, and decided you want to give direct outreach a try…

The issue is, what do you write? How do you turn strangers on the internet into fans, without being annoying or needy?

It’s pretty simple: don’t be like the band I throw under the bus in this episode. Listen now to learn how you can practice effective direct outreach to get new fans!

What you’ll learn:

  • Growing your key fanbase
  • Why direct outreach is one of the most effective methods for a new band to grow their audience
  • How not to practice direct outreach
  • The biggest mistake you could make: being rude when reaching out to potential fans
  • The worst direct outreach message I’ve ever read
  • How to strike up a mutually beneficial conversation
  • Why spamming won’t get you anywhere
  • Balancing the different social media platforms

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