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Pay to Play: It's Not What You Think It Is

Some venues and promoters use “pay to play”, a shady and exploitative practice of making artists pay to play a show – instead of paying the artist for their performance.

You've probably heard of pay to play, but you may not know exactly what it is. There’s a lot of confusion about which deals are pay to play and which aren’t.

This can be a huge problem because it makes artists miss out on opportunities that would have been worth it for their career.

In this episode, I’ll explain what pay to play is and isn’t, so you can understand which shows to skip and which ones are worth booking.

Whether you're an independent artist who's ready to book shows or you're just curious about this controversial topic, listen in and learn all you need to know about pay to play!

What you’ll learn:

  • Why “pay to play” probably isn’t what you think it is
  • What is pay to play?
  • The benefits of playing pay to play shows
  • What types of pay to play deals are most common
  • Why selling tickets is not pay to play
  • Split deals – and why they’re perfectly normal
  • Why renting a venue could be pay to play, but often isn’t
  • When is a buy on a good idea?
  • Is a buy on the same thing as pay to play?

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